Asbestos Exposure & Mesothelioma Cases
Workers who have been exposed to asbestos in the workplace and develop illness due to that exposure, as well as their family members, may be entitled to compensation. This may include a workers’ compensation claim and/or bringing claims against manufacturers and distributors of asbestos-containing products on behalf of mesothelioma victims and their families.
The most common issues to be addressed in an asbestos exposure/mesothelioma case include:
- Identifying the manufacturers of any and all asbestos-containing product(s) to which the worker was exposed. If you do not know the manufacturer, we may be able to determine that by documenting the job sites where you worked and the dates you worked there.
- Establishing the mechanism of exposure, time frames during which exposure occurred and the duration of each exposure. A variety of occupations have placed workers at risk of exposure to asbestos, including aerospace and automobile mechanics, construction workers, painters, plumbers and shipbuilders.
- For family members who have developed mesothelioma and had exposure to asbestos fibers in the home, documenting the location, duration and severity of exposures suffered by the worker can support a claim by the family member.
Brian Wright litigates claims in Washington State on behalf of victims of asbestos-related diseases, including both the workers and their families. In addition, he collaborates with other law firms when these cases involve jurisdictions in other states.