Have you or a loved one contracted COVID at the workplace?
Below are a few tips for filing a workers’ compensation claim. If you have questions about COVID and workers’ compensation, or if your claim was denied, please feel free to contact our firm. We offer a free case analysis, and would be happy to discuss your specific circumstances with you.
Filing a Claim for COVID
For those that are diagnosed with COVID that were significantly exposed to the Coronavirus on-the-job, a claim may be filed with the Department of Labor and Industries. A claim can be filed:
- Online via DLI’s FileFast tool.
- By phone: 1-877-561-3453 (FILE).
- At your doctor’s office (if you complete the Report of Accident at your doctor’s office, the doctor files the form for you).
You can watch a DLI video that generally describes the process for filing a claim if you need more information about the steps to be taken.
Benefits Under a Workers’ Compensation Claim
The benefits available would include time loss compensation for the days the worker is unable to work due to quarantine or illness. The claim would cover the cost of allowed medical treatment. In many cases, if there is no onset of symptoms or recovery from illness happens quickly, there may be relatively little compensation paid under a claim.
In some cases, people face hospitalization and extended periods of recovery. In King County, current data shows that 6.4% of all positive cases require hospitalization. The King County daily summary dashboard provides statistics about testing numbers and rates for positive results, hospitalizations and deaths.
Medical expenses can quickly add up, and time lost from work may be greater than one would expect.
Causey Wright’s COVID Procedures
Causey Wright is taking a variety of steps to keep our employees safe while maintaining full performance levels. Please forgive the inevitable interruptions or distractions that can occur now that our workplaces are in our homes. You may hear the dog bark or our kids in the background during a phone call. This is a point of connection for us all, and a sign of our dedication to our work, even during these difficult times. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Our current procedures:
- Most attorneys and staff are working from home, most of the time. We have key employees in the office daily. They receive and process the mail, answer the phones, and facilitate the in-office tasks needed by the work-from-home folks.
- We are limiting in-person visitors. With rare exceptions, usually related to scheduled litigation events, there are no in-office client meetings taking place. Any required in-person meetings need to be pre-arranged. Phone and video conferences are both available.
- Masks are required to be worn when inside our building, including the building lobby, elevators and our office.
- Surfaces and equipment are regularly cleaned, and the hand sanitizer bottles are everywhere.
- We ask every visitor at our office to check in at the front desk so we can ascertain vaccination status - additional precautions taken when unvaccinated guests are present - and record information for use should contract tracing be needed.
FAQ Download
Washington Workers' Compensation (PDF)
Board of Industrial Insurance Appeals (PDF)