Defense Base Act
The Defense Base Act provides coverage to non-military workers who sustain injury while employed outside the boundaries of the United States in the interest of our country. Most recently, these cases have typically involved defense contractor employees in Iraq and Afghanistan. The most common issues we face in a DBA case include:
- Acceptance of the claim
- Establishing an accurate average weekly wage
- Authorization for medical conditions or treatment options
- Return-to-work and vocational issues
- Lost wage-earning capacity
- Permanent impairment
- Future medical expenses
Causey Wright can provide representation to workers with Defense Base Act claims before the Office of Workers' Compensation Programs or pending before the Office of Administrative Law Judges. Fees are charged on an hourly basis for services provided. In most cases, attorney fees and costs in a successfully prosecuted claim are paid by the Employer/Carrier.
FAQ Download
Defense Base Act Claims (PDF)